Dr. Sharon Walker is a Board Certified Emergency Medicine physician. She has practiced Occupational Medicine for the past 18 years. This unique history in both specialties of medicine allows her to offer excellent care for more serious work injuries including fractures, lacerations, eye injuries, and head injuries as well as more routine work related injuries.
She works with injured workers to regain their function and return to work efficiently and effectively. Her top priority in achieving excellent results is a strong belief in a multi-discipline approach to treating injuries to speed up the recovery process of an injured worker and open communication with all vested parties.
Dr. Walker has extensive experience working with various municipalities including schools, police, sheriff and fire departments, Federal and local motor carriers and transportation departments, Federal agencies, construction sites, manufacturing, food industries, and retail stores.
She prides herself in delivering personal and attentive care to all her patients and employers. Dr. Walker looks forward to being a part of your Occupational Medicine experience and will strive to make it a good experience.